Communication is key

Communication is key

Communication is essential in the property management business. In order to keep a property in Prescott in the best condition, both physically and financially, property managers need to have open lines of communication with homeowners, HOAs or tenants at all times. If...

How to handle repairs and maintenance on your rental property

How to handle repairs and maintenance on your rental property

Today we are talking about how to handle repairs and maintenance on your rental property in the Prescott area. Property maintenance is very important for your rental home, and not just because it lowers your liability. It’s also important to keep your investment...

Property Management: Prevention Trumps Cure Every Time

Property Management: Prevention Trumps Cure Every Time

We at Far West Realty in Prescott would like to share a story about how prevention trumps cure every time when it comes to managing rental properties. Back in the 90’s, before I got into Real Estate and Property Management, I served 8-years as a constable in...

Permanent job or passive income?

Permanent job or passive income?

I read an article the other day by Seth Williams, in which he posed an interesting question for those who own or are looking to own residential investment rental property.  He asked, “Would you rather… create a permanent job for yourself as a manager...

Never Settle

Never Settle

The place is finally ready.  You’ve painted, re-carpeted, repaired, mowed and spit-shined. Your investment rental property in Prescott is now ready to rent.  You’ve taken a host of professional-looking photographs, put them in various ads, and...

So, You Want to Be a Landlord…

So, You Want to Be a Landlord…

  Rental properties in Prescott can be a great investment.  Renting out your home in Prescott after you’ve had to relocate for a new job or other life change, can be a great way to preserve your investment and keep the mortgage paid until you either...

Full Property Management vs. Lease Up Service

As a landlord, you might be wondering if you require lease up services only, or a full property management service. Sometimes, landlords who live in our local area are okay with the idea of taking care of the ongoing management of their property, but they don’t...

No Plateaus

Recently, I received the following testimonial from some very kind people whom I had had the privilege of serving over the last few years. They had asked me to manage a home they had purchased, in advance, as a retirement home. They still had a few years before...

It Isn’t Just a Numbers Game…

It Isn’t Just a Numbers Game…

  “I’m so tired of being treated like a number!”  I’ve heard that line, or lines very similar to it, many times over the years, from Landlords and Tenants alike.  None of us take kindly to such treatment in any circumstance....

The benefits of hiring a property manager for your rental property

It is a common question that rental property owners and landlord ask, “Is it worth it to hire a property manager to take care of your rental properties? Far West Realty would like to share the benefits with hiring a property management company.Professional...

What should you look for when hiring a property manager?

You might own a rental property but are too swamped with other projects to give the property the attention it deserves. Far West Realty would like to share a few factors that make us the best choice when hiring a property manager. Far West Realty Property Management...